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                                          the PHINS Gumbo Cook-off Rules.


                  PHINS Gumbo Cook off Rules



$25.00 Individual Gumbo entry entitles you to:

a.      one gumbo entry for judgingb.     10’x10’ booth area c.      sampler bowls, spoons, and Styrofoam cooler for rice, as neededd.     rice



Responsibilities of each entrant:


                        a. furnish a minimum of 4 gallons of gumbo               

1.      precooked meat

2.     all other ingredients must be raw and cooked onsite

3.      water for cooking

b.     make available all ingredients onsite for inspectionc.      furnish items for cooking                                   1.       table(s) and chair2.     propane and cooker3.     utensils, towels, trash bags for clean-up 4.     10’ x 10’ tent, optional 


    Judging will be by ‘blind judging’ (by numbers, not names) at designated table.Tickets will be sold only at designated ticket table. 

1. People’s Choice (choose best tasting gumbo)

              2. Showmanship (best decorated booth and presentation)             

                HOTEL INFORMATION:  Omni Hotel, Jax., FL(right across street)

                            $109 night  Ask for Parrot Head Rate

PHINS – Parrot Heads In Natural Settings – is a social club whose members enjoy the music of Jimmy Buffett and the laid back island lifestyle. Contributions to PHINS, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, are tax-deductible as allowed by law.   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ENTRY FORM, RETURN WITH YOUR FEE

I have read and understand the attached rules and restrictions and agree to abide by them.


PARTICIPANT: ____________________________________ADDRESS: ________________________________PHONE: _________CITY, ZIP: ________________________________CELL: ___________

EMAIL: __________________________________ CHECK #: _______

Make checks payable to PHINS, Inc.     Mail to:  PHINS                                                                                       3667 Torres Grande Drive                                                                            Jacksonville, FL 32257All proceeds benefit I.M. Sultzbacher Center for the Homeless, Jax., FL.